The Hustler's Daughter {DC Bookdiva Publications}
The Hustler’s Daughter
Pinky Dior
In loving memory of my Nana,
Lela Williams
Ace of Spades
Meeting of the Minds
The Conglomerate
The Setup
Forbidden Love
The Other Woman
Seeds of Love
The Princess has Arrived
Who’s that Girl
Class is in Session
You’re Invited
October Breeze
Super Sweet 16
The Unordered Hit
In Love with a Thug
A Gorilla in the Midst
The Party to Remember
Tomorrow Isn’t Promised
Moving Forward
2 Years Later …
Cuban Links
I’ll Be Missing You
Just to Get By
New Beginnings
Slip and Fall
An Awakening
Silent Death
Safe House
Hidden Secrets
Left for Dead
You and I
The Hidden Truth
Sweet Revenge
Ace of Spades
Don reclined in his broad leather seat smoking a thick Cuban cigar. It hung on the side of his mouth as he effortlessly inhaled the tasty smoke. He slowly exhaled the smoke from his full curvy lips. Smoke seductively filled the air, as if he were posing for a Playgirl photo shoot. He wore a long, thick, diamond-encrusted necklace. It complimented the studded Rolex on his left arm. Glancing over at the window, he noticed they were minutes away from touching down in Cuba. Don always flew in style in his multi-million dollar private jet. His entourage was deep. He was accompanied by his right-hand man and brother Roy Carter, his left-hand ace Frank Cilliaco and several body guards. He even brought along a few street workers, his food attendant Milan, and of course his designated jet driver Alberto. This group had the benefit of traveling with him exclusively. Don always enjoyed the beautiful cerulean waters of the Cuban coastline. While looking out of the window, he could see the beautiful palm trees at a distance. The jet began its descent and Alberto’s voice announced that they would be landing in just a few minutes. Don sighed in relief. He was finally about to touch Cuban soil again and begin his mission. He slept throughout most of the flight, but Roy woke him up when he began talking to him.
As the plane landed and he heard the wheels rumbling, Don gazed at Havana through the small window. He smiled at the sight of the beautiful city and the wonderful memories it contained. Although he only came to Cuba for business, he always felt safe and relaxed when he was here. The Cubans showed Don major love. Back home in New York, however, the game was totally different. Of course he was well-known and respected, but he always had to watch his back. Don had to stay ten steps ahead of the game, just in case a nigga tried to make a move.
“Ya’ll nigga’s ready?” Don asked with a smirk on his face.
“We ready,” everyone said in unison. That response was all he needed to hear in order to move forward. Stepping off the jet, Don took a deep breath of Cuban air. The crisp air filled his lungs giving him a boost of momentum.
A black stretch limo pulled up seconds after they landed. The driver hopped out and grabbed their luggage placing it in the trunk. Along the ride, they admired the trees that gave Cuba an exquisite look. They were complimented by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean cascading along the right side of the street.
Of course, all the beautiful females walking around in their bathing suits could not be ignored. Their breasts billowed over the tops of their bikinis and drew attention from everyone that passed.
The limo pulled up to Blau Arenal Club, located in the eastern section of Havana, in the Playas Del Este area.
Don gazed from his window and noticed a brown haired female standing in front of the hotel. She was wearing a white button-down shirt with a navy blue pencil skirt. She was young and very attractive, but not his type. He was in Cuba to handle his business; he didn’t come for a vacation. He knew she was a worker sent by his new connect. He was told she would be wearing a white collared shirt.
The limo came to a sudden stop, and everyone grabbed their Louis Vuitton duffle bags and suitcases out of the trunk. The entourage slowly walked toward the hotel. They were stopped by the young woman and she spoke to Don.
“You must be Mr. Carter?” The young woman inquired as she approached him and his crew.
“Yes, I’m Mr. Carter, and you are?” he extended out his hand.
“My name is Alana,” she smiled as they shook hands. He kissed it before releasing it and she smiled.
“I’m just helping you with your hotel service and setting everything up for tomorrow.”
Don thanked her, as she continued on.
“Manny will take your things and escort you to your rooms,” Alana informed them.
She continued to tell them that everyone had their own individual rooms. Don was kind of impressed; the last connect had two people sharing a suite. He had a good feeling about this new connect. He had to kill his old one when they tried to rob him. He and his goons thought Don was a rookie, but Mr. Carter and his crew were more experienced than they realized. As they were escorted up to their rooms, Alana pulled Mr. Carter to the side so she could talk with him privately about the meeting with her boss.
“Tomorrow, be ready at 8 AM. The limo will pick you guys up promptly at that time and not a minute later. From there you will go to the designated area,” Alana spoke with her eyes and made sure she was specific about everything. She didn’t need any problems on her end.
“Where are we meeting?” Don inquired taking a cigar out of his jacket pocket.
“The car will take you along with the person of your choosing to the docks.
“We'll all meet you there, and proceed to making the deal so we can make this money.” Alana smirked when she noticed Mr. Carter’s million dollar smile.
“Yes, let’s get down to business,” Don rubbed his hands together. Alana began to walk off, but forgot to say something. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to say, “Hey, Mr. Carter don’t forget to bring your $50,000 security deposit.”
“Do I get it back?” Don joked.
“No,” Alana half-smiled as she continued to walk down the corridor, purposely trying to switch her hips. Alana was a pretty young girl, but she was not what Don looked for in his women. She had a caramel skin complexion, long brown hair that reached her mid-back, small lips, and her body was petite-yet curvaceous.
She definitely wasn’t ugly, but she wasn’t spectacular either. He preferred a woman that was had the beauty and style of Marilyn Monroe. Don shook his head as he turned around and pressed the button for the elevator.
Don opened the door to his immaculate room and inhaled the fresh aroma of vanilla-scented candles. He tugged on his goatee, and smiled at himself in the mirror. He was full of confidence; he loved the man he had become. These days, he feared no one but God. In the past, there were times when he feared the man in the mirror as well.
Don began settling into his room and putting away his clothes. He sprawled across the bed and decided to take a quick nap before the meeting. Three hours quickly passed and he awoke after looking at the clock. He noticed it was time to meet his crew in the lobby.
Don got up and grabbed his hotel room key and slid it into his pants pocket. He departed the room and headed down to the lobby for the meeting. As he neared the hotel lobby, he saw everyone sitting there. They were patiently awaiting his arrival.
“Alright people…tomorrow is the big day,” Don assured them. “Tomorrow we wake up early to be ready at 8 AM sharp. I don’t want any late comers because I don’t have slackers on my team. The limo will be here on time, so we need to be in the lobby by at least 7:45,” Don informed them. He then took a short pause and said, “This is a big day for me, for you…for us,” Don pointed to each of them as their eyes met his. “Dress appropriately, wear your game faces; we’re money makers and we are here to make money. Let’s get this shit on and poppin,” Don chanted as his crew joined in unison. “Go get some sleep; we got a long day ahead of us.” Don stated before turning his back to them and walking out of the lobby.
Back in his room, Don removed his slacks and button down and hopped in the shower. After he showered, he kept it simple with a fresh wife beater and Polo boxers. He emerged from the bathroom and walked over to the doors across the room. They led to a well-maintained round balcony. Stepping out onto the balcony, he placed his hands on the black banister. He leaned forward and looked out into the distance observing the magnificent view of Havana. The skies were dark, but the lights of the houses lit up the terrain as far as his eyes could see. It was breathtaking, and Don stood there and soaked in all in. He felt the city of Havana sparkling in his eyes. As he sat down in the Lazy Boy chair on the balcony, he pulled out a fresh Cuban cigar and lit it. He puffed on the cigar and blew the smoke through his nose. He thought about the big day that was rapidly approaching. It was the day in which he was going to meet his new connect. This was the vital in getting his product sold and his money made. This day was slated to be one of the most important in years. It would make Don Carter a richer and a much wiser man.
Meeting of the Minds
The sun silently rose over
the palm trees, peeking through the balcony’s curtains. Don set his alarm for 5:30 AM. He immediately jumped up when he heard the annoying beeping screaming in his ears. He yawned as he stretched his muscular arms over his head and arched his back. He definitely needed a massage later today; he’d been having back pains lately.
Don quickly jumped in the shower for fifteen minutes and got dressed. He stood in the mirror and gave his face a quick shave, just to shape it up. Don admired his smooth dark mocha skin, nice fade, and his chiseled face. It was all complemented by his goatee, which gave him a real grown man look. He had full lips that many women craved and thick eyebrows.
Don’s face was the epitome of a handsome hustler. He threw on a pair of Armani black slacks, his 2 carat diamond earrings, and his platinum Rolex. He wore an all white Armani button-up shirt. On his feet was a pair of $2500 Gucci all-black alligator shoes.
Don grabbed his cell phone and headed downstairs to the lobby where his crew was waiting around. It was seven forty-five on the dot. He loved his people because they listened; as instructed they’d arrived on time. He exchanged words with everyone before they walked outside to wait for the limo to arrive.
Don looked down at his Rolex, it read 7:55. He thought that the limo would already be there by now. He and his crew were right on time. The limo cruised up to the curb five minutes later at promptly 8 AM. The driver got out of the car and greeted them with a smile as he opened the door. He patiently waited until they were all inside to close it. Don inhaled deeply as they rode to the docks.
Alana and the other workers greeted them at the docks. She introduced Mr. Carter and his crew to the workers who represented the connection. They exchanged handshakes before boarding the expensive and immaculate yacht. ‘You know this cat got money,’ Don thought while looking at his brother. Roy Carter knew exactly what he was thinking.
Feeling the yacht come to a complete stop, Don looked around at his crew and nodded, “Let’s do it.” He smiled as he got up. He followed Alana from the yacht and was blown away at the sight of a beautiful multi-million dollar estate before his eyes.
The Conglomerate
Maria stood in the living room with her French manicured nails pressed against the chair. She was gazing through the window, waiting for her father’s yacht to arrive. She could see the waves crashing up against the shore as the yacht got closer to her father’s estate. Maria couldn’t wait to see her father’s new customer.
All of her father’s customers were old and lame. She knew this one had a lot of money and was coming from New York. She had a feeling he would be different from the others. She could tell by the way her father talked to him over the phone. The yacht pulled up slowly to the dock and came to a rest. Maria turned around in her 4 inch stiletto heels. She clicked across the marble floor on her way to her father’s office. Usually she would have to knock, but this time the door was wide open.
“They’ve arrived,” Maria informed him.
Her father, Vicente, was one of the largest drug suppliers in Cuba. He was seated in his chair behind a beautiful mahogany desk with his arms folded and a smile across his face.
“Bring them in,” Vicente said as he slowly got up. Maria exited the office and headed down the corridor to open the front door. Alana was already walking up the brick path with the entourage trailing behind. Maria’s eyes met with the guy who had his head down, but quickly lifted it up high when he realized someone’s gaze was upon him. She gave him a warm smile to ensure him that he was welcomed along with the others.
“Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed your ride here.”
“The food was excellent, thank you,” Roy Carter chuckled rubbing his stomach.
“Yeah it was, and the ride was outstanding. Cuba is beautiful, and so are you.” Don said as he stepped in front of Alana to grab Maria’s hand and kiss it. Maria’s face instantly turned red as she blushed and could no longer hide it.
“Well I’m glad you love it out here and thanks.” She nodded her head and tried to regain her composure.
“It’s nice to meet you…my name is Don, Don Carter. What’s your name?” Don asked.
“My name is Maria and you can follow me straight through here.” Maria said as she turned around.
She walked them down the corridor of the mansion and led them to a huge room that was nearly empty. It only held a black sectional sofa in the center of the room and a huge TV sitting in directly in front of it.
“You may be seated,” Maria informed them as she stepped out of the room. A few minutes later she returned with a guy who stood about 5’2”. He had grey hair with traces of black and wore it slicked back. He had a thick mustache that complimented his grey bushy eyebrows. His skin tone was a dull yellow. He definitely had some years of experience in the game; his name was Vicente.
“I’m glad you all made it,” Vicente smiled as he greeted each of them. He walked around and gave everyone handshakes. When he reached Don, he immediately stood up and gave Vicente a hand shake and a hug. Maria smirked, ‘my kind of papi,’ she thought to herself about Don’s gesture.
“Alright Maria, start the tape sweetie,” Vicente told his daughter as he took a seat in his chair that was wheeled in behind him by one of his workers. Maria grabbed the remote and hit the play button. She began her speech about her father. It was the normal routine with new clients.
Throughout the entire presentation Maria couldn’t keep her eyes off Don Carter. She noticed he was checking her out as well. Don stared at her the entire time she was talking. Maria was getting hot due to his intense stare and had to take off her blazer and loosen her shirt collar.
“Let’s get this deal started,” Maria finished her lecture and smiled as everyone clapped in unison. She bowed her head a little, showing appreciation for the applause. Vicente smiled at his daughter’s performance.
“So, are we ready to get down to business?” Vicente asked.
“Yes, Vicente,” Don spoke loudly.
“Maria, get the deposit. Let’s go into the dining room for drinks.” Vicente instructed her and got up. Everyone except Don followed him into the dining room while Maria gathered her things. Don sat across from her meticulously watching her every move.
“Let’s go.” Maria said as she walked past him with her heels clicking. She walked down the corridor and stopped at a large oak door. She had to unlock it by pressing her hand onto a brightly lit green pad.
The pad made a chirping noise to let them know the door was open. Don followed behind her in awe. Maria made sure she strutted when she walked and put a little extra into each step. Don was instantly mesmerized by her hips and the way her plump ass jiggled. He didn’t want to disrespect his new business partner’s daughter by staring, but he couldn’t help it. Maria’s body was curvaceous and her face was immaculate. She was stunningly beautiful.
The short-sleeved white blouse she wore revealed just the right amount of cleavage. Her 34 C breasts were nice and full. Her hair was long, thick, and jet black. It hung down to just below her waist and swayed when she walked. Her pink full lips were topped off by a mole that stood above them. Don was already in love. Maria was the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes upon, she was definitely a keeper.
“Do you have the security deposit?” Maria asked as she extended her hand. Don placed the duffle bag he was carrying on the table. Maria grabbed the bag and dumped the contents on the table. Her father told her to count the money to make sure it was all there. As she sat down to begin counting the money, Don chuckled.
“It’s all there Ma, I wouldn’t even come to Cuba and play ya'll like that.” Don said smiling as he rubbed his chin hairs. Maria shot him a glare; she looked down at the money and back up at him. She knew he wasn’t stupid, and she didn’t want to count the money anyway. She was just testing him.
If she would have counted it by hand, she would have been there for hours. Instead, she turned and walked over to the money counting machine and placed a stack of bills in. As she placed the last stack of bills in the machine, she realized that the amount greatly exceeded what her father asked for. It was the entire $100,000. ‘Damn this dude must be swimming in pools of money,’ Maria thought to herself as she turned back around and stuffed the money back in the bag. There was a light knock on the door and Alana came in with Roy by her side. They both had grandiose smiles on their faces as if they had a great conversation. She grabbed the duffle bag with the money from the table.